The metal was heavily dented, and the comb was bent as if by the impact of some ponderous mass.
Doesn't it become quite hot in there, with such a ponderous mass of flesh encasing you?
The gloom upon them deepens; and they soon present to our view a ponderous mass of almost level surface.
With a soft drink in hand, he lit a cigarette and leaned back, gazing dutifully at the ponderous mass following astern.
Its ponderous mass, blackened stone, and high dome, made it look, not like a temple, but a tomb.
Then suddenly gravity took a firmer grip and the whole ponderous mass plunged downward.
He got to his feet with all the ponderous mass of Nero Wolfe but a lot more agility and grace.
The ponderous mass of rock had closed, probably forever, for the only brain which knew its secret was crushed to powder beneath it.
Work on the installation of the apparatus had started almost as soon as the Comet had first tugged at the ponderous mass.
At a second look, what appeared as a ponderous mass seemed lighter than air, much like the museum itself.