This change in the ice shelf surface allows melt ponds to form during subsequent warm summers, and these ponds may find and fill preexisting surface cracks.
"Maybe the ponds will fill a little while we're using up this water," said Mama, hopelessly.
The temple complex contains a garden with massive eight-hundred year old camphor trees (kusonoki), and a pond filled with large stones and fed by a small waterfall.
In November, over two days of biblical-quality rainfall, the pond filled completely.
The pond that had once been on the Simmons property had over the centuries filled itself in and had "disappeared", we'd found out.
The casino operators dug trenches inland and created ponds, floated in barges, then filled the trenches.
A pond or stream would fill his needs nicely.
Past ponds filled with luminescent fish, flowers of a dozen planets, bushes bearing succulent fruits.
As reliably as it empties out in summer, the pond steadily and mysteriously fills every autumn, rain or shine.
The water tables are going down, and the ponds aren't filling.