According to Rhys the band gave the track a "really pompous title" so that listeners would expect to hear the meaning of life and instead get just a "collection of noises".
With all the pompous titles .
Don Lorenzo, you forget in that pompous title the meanness of my origin.
"Anitergium II Hohodowndownho" took the first word of its pompous title from a Latin word for "trifle" that occurs in Robertson Davies's novel, "The Manticore."
So with the clerk, the laborer, the hod-carrier, the teacher; he remains the same in spite of all the polished arms, resplendent uniforms, and pompous titles bestowed upon him.
It is these people who pay themselves with phrases, who are always using long words with no definite connotation, who plaster themselves with pompous titles and decorations which mean nothing whatever.
This double favor, of a strangulation and a macaroni, conferred upon the triangular house, gave poor Cropoli a fancy to grace his hostelry with a pompous title.
Humorous account of a charity dinner on behalf of the 'Indigent Orphans' Friends Benevolent Institution' (CD parodies in this made-up name the pompous titles of many public charities).
Checked the dates printed on the spines, under the pompous titles.
In obedience to this advice, intellectual hypotheses and faith would not be called in aid of our practical interests; nor should we introduce them under the pompous titles of science and insight.