But Dreeland, in his pompous style, scarcely noticed the employees, except to count them.
The pompous, lofty style of a mock-scholar.
'Here one of the,writers paused, dropped his pompous style and said, 'Gentlemen, we can thank God for Virginia.
Later he would say it was natural for him to satirize the secret yearnings and desires, the pompous style and the disappointments of his characters.
"You take too much on yourself, young man & write in such a pompous style - I'm afraid you are becoming a prig."
In this book, for example, there are passages (e.g. Section 5.5) where a somewhat pompous style is used to present one side of a possibly debatable viewpoint.
At the far end of the promontory, the remains of several manor houses attest to the high quality of the architecture and its rather pompous style.
The resolution is written in a mock eighteenth-century style, ornate and pompous.
The long pamphlet of Dod is written in a pompous style, and contains very little medical information.
He'd developed an official's pompous style.