Which is all to the good until poor Chrysanthemum starts school, where she discovers that an uncommon, polysyllabic name makes easy sport for nasty alpha girls: a sign of grace becomes a curse.
They nudged past one another on narrow walkways as their busy guides maintained a burble of dates, empires and the polysyllabic names of ancient kings.
She got a grip on the Espinosa like it was her firstborn about to be repoed by a dwarf with a polysyllabic name.
It is well if the drug have a Latin and polysyllabic name; it is wise if it be prescribed with some assurance and emphasis for psychotherapeutic effect.
Grimo is the diminutive of a longer polysyllabic name.
Not just plastic, but HDPE, PET and PVC, abbreviations for polysyllabic names.
Some use an unseen 'expert', who talks about the best way of propagating plants with polysyllabic Latin names.
Trudy can't quite remember the polysyllabic name of the baby's father and refers to him dismissively as Ratsky-Watsky.
She was tirelessly generous in offering me contacts and advice, down to tips on pronouncing polysyllabic Rwandan names.
"It's one less polysyllabic name for me to remember."