PGH does this by using polymorphic markers that are better suited at recognizing translocations.
These polymorphic markers are able to distinguish between embryos that carried normal, balanced, and unbalanced translocations.
Exclusion testing is based on a linkage analysis with polymorphic markers, in which the parental and grandparental origin of the chromosomes can be established.
This map allowed ordering of the polymorphic markers and estimation of the distances between them.
Using five such highly polymorphic markers, 24 cultivated genotypes could be differentiated (data not showed).
It contains 1.8 million polymorphic and non-polymorphic markers for a practical resolution of 10-20kb-about the size of a gene.
In linkage studies, we seek to identify the loci that cosegregate with a specific genomic region, tagged by polymorphic markers, within families.
Results A total of 96 foci were analyzed for LOH at several polymorphic markers in 18p11.3.
The Genome Scanner tool is designed to assist researchers in selecting polymorphic markers for a genome scan of a cross between two strains.
This is often done using polymorphic markers, such as microsatellites or single-nucleotide polymorphisms, for which the two parents contributed different alleles.