The mono more liquid reacts with the polymer powder when put together which in turn, forms long polymer strands.
More recent developments have seen the formation of lattice-like matrices that hold the drug of interest integrated or entrapped between the polymer strands.
The polymer strands are stretched more tightly here and the cross links are more likely to break.
Crystal structures show the polymer strands are all parallel to the hydrogen-bonding network, and the host nitriles are each halogen-bonded to iodine atoms.
If one of the ends has the GDP bound version the polymer strand depolymerizes very quickly into its constituent monomer units.
The calculated tumor vascular permeability indicates that the majority of nanoparticles stay intact in circulation and do not disassemble into individual polymer strands.
Today's work with carbon-based materials could lead to a wire made of a single polymer strand and calculations performed by interconnected molecules.
A strong electric field is applied to the solution to charge the polymer strands.
At low temperatures the oily part organizes the water molecules around the polymer strand in a frozen pattern, "like an ice jacket."
Thus, the addition of plasticizers allow for an easier motion of polymer segments - making the bulk sample more pliable because polymer strands move easily.