The University of Akron is regarded as a world leader in polymer research.
In a way, toy technology reveals a spillover of research creativity from areas that may seem more critical for survival or economic well-being - polymer research or aerodynamics.
It became a center for polymer research in the United States and achieved a systematic understanding of the mechanical properties of polymers.
It intends to spend £1 million over the next five years on this, and other polymer research.
Charles Gilbert Overberger (October 12, 1920 - March 17, 1997) was an U.S. chemist, specialising in polymer research and education.
Carothers was a group leader at the DuPont Experimental Station laboratory, near Wilmington, Delaware, where most polymer research was done.
He retired from GE in June 1988, but continued his polymer research until his death in February 1989.
Vulcanized rubber represents the first commercially successful product of polymer research.
DuPont continued in polymer research.
In 1948 Mr. Baker was named the head of polymer research and development at the laboratory.