Some communities' customary law allows for polygynous marriages, and these are recognised subject to certain conditions.
It was also necessary to deal with the applicability of the order by the Constitutional Court to polygynous marriages.
Second, the Quran demands equal treatment of all wives in a polygynous marriage, which is impossible, thus making the practice illegal.
Morocco was also pushed along by its Muslim feminist groups to make entering into a polygynous marriage more difficult.
One of the popular historical criticisms of Muhammad in the West has been his polygynous marriages.
The frequency of divorce rises in polygynous marriages compared to monogamous relationships.
Another kind of marriage, although uncommon, is the "polygynous marriage".
In a family where all the children were female, sisterly polygynous marriage represented the most common choice.
This discourages women from entering a polygynous marriage.
There is also some research that show that males living in polygynous marriages may live 12 percent longer.