High pollution loads of organic matter from hotels and other commercial establishments around the lake are causing pollution.
Up to 80 percent of the nitrogen fertilizers applied to lawns is wasted and washes away to increase the pollution load on our already contaminated groundwater.
The greatest percentage of the pollution load is due to diffuse dumping from agricultural and fishing activities and runoffs of urban areas.
High pollution loads of heavy metals such as mercury, lead and cadmium are also a concern.
Nutrient and other pollution loads are high due to agriculture, deforestation, industry, urbanization and septic pollution.
These include "pollution loads modification, flow augmentation and placement of weirs at critical locations".
The pollution load reaching the Baltic, however, is high.
The pollution load from transport has to be lowered.
The total organic pollution load from these discharges amount to a population equivalent of 160,000 in the 1980s.
The Yongding Reservoir is heavily polluted by industrial wastewater, despite efforts at reducing the pollution load undertaken since the 1980s.