The company specializes in providing pollution cleanup and environmental consulting for corporate customers.
To defray the costs of pollution cleanup, several governments, especially in Europe, provide special grants to industries.
The cost of the pollution cleanup has remained largely unknown, making potential investors somewhat fearful that any contract they sign may come with massive hidden costs.
The benefits of pollution cleanup can have a proportionately larger impact on low- income people, while job retraining programs can also provide significant benefits.
Fuller created a number of initiatives that established a model for global pollution cleanup.
Responsible Care is viewed by environmentalists as having more to do with public relations than pollution cleanup.
A problem with dealing with the cost of pollution cleanup required by the Superfund law?
Many business liability insurers say they never dreamed of having to pay for pollution cleanup, an area of coverage that courts are often forcing them to provide.
They will also be asked if they want to amend the state constitution to dedicate part of the corporation business tax to pollution cleanup.
Mr. Persson said the union had agreed in principle to lend Russia money for pollution cleanup.