That polluted sky was his creation as much as was the painting, and it would be good to leave it behind.
NGC 103 is a small group of stars partially visible in 8" amateur telescope under moderately light polluted skies.
Most such objects are rendered invisible in heavily light polluted skies around major cities.
They awake in a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a green, polluted sky.
Rain has the effect of clearing out polluted skies.
He saw the polluted yellow sky, with tattered rooks circling every-where.
In the hotter months particularly, our seaside paradise sits under a thick ceiling of polluted sky.
Yet a quarter century of unbridled economic growth has brought not only new wealth but a legacy of blackened rivers, grossly polluted skies and dwindling natural resources.
Given that its brightest stars are of fifth magnitude, the constellation is invisible to the naked eye in areas with polluted skies.
Hǎinán is in many ways more like Indochina than the polluted skies, freezing winters and two billion elbows that are often hard to escape on the mainland.