The rate at which the kills occur increases as organically polluted land runoff increases.
Fletch, barely able to contain his joy, happily signs over the worthless, polluted land.
Meanwhile, puppies that wander onto the polluted land are going blind.
It hopes to use its method commercially to clean up polluted land.
It held, containing the polluted land and air.
With deindustrialization spreading rapidly by the 1980s, and oil companies writing off polluted lands to avoid future liability, much of the previous land uses became abandoned.
He and others mentioned efforts by the Federal and state governments to subsidize the development of polluted land on the Gowanus banks.
Ms. Holzkamp said that new waterfront development could not move forward until the cleanup of polluted land was complete.
She said that in searching for new places to build housing, her organization has repeatedly encountered problems with polluted land.
The polluted land has also created daunting obstacles for developers who would replace old industrial buildings with new residential towers.