At the center of the exhibit will be a tank diplaying the dismal state of the harbor, which is among the most polluted major harbors in the country.
Cleaning up the polluted harbor had become the nation's biggest public works project and, by the late 1980's, created a bounty of fees for Wall Street.
However, dredged muds from polluted harbors and industrial wastes discharged from barges add about 100 times more contaminants to coastal waters than sludge.
The destination: 1,800 acres of open field near one of the nation's noisiest airports and one of its most polluted harbors.
In Boston, where President Bush used the polluted harbor as a backdrop as he campaigned for office in 1988, a slow and expensive upgrading is under way.
Researchers have found frequent instances of lip tumors and liver cancer among catfish that feed off sediments at the bottoms of polluted harbors and channels.
Though cleanup efforts have been underway at least since 1986, when Glen Cove was identified as the most polluted harbor on the North Shore, much remains to be done.
He has aroused the ire of environmentalists by his tardy movement to clean up Boston's badly polluted harbor.
Snowy owls from the frozen tundra far to the north are returning to their winter home near one of the nation's noisiest airports and one of its most polluted harbors.
She searched the waters for the source, but the visibility in the polluted harbor was poor.