An egg is laid on each pollen mass and the individual cell sealed by the female.
She then goes on to construct more, similar cells containing eggs and pollen masses.
Each egg hatches into a grub-like larva which eats the pollen mass.
He examined orchids and counted how often one or both pollinia (pollen masses) had been removed from their flowers, indicating that they had been visited by insects.
One envelope appeared to be empty when it arrived at Down House, but when he looked further before discarding it he found several insect mouthparts with pollen masses attached.
These pollen masses stand side by side and have stalks down to adhesive balls in a cup which keeps them moist and sticky.
These groups, and most genera in this family, have liquid or semiliquid pollen masses on which the larvae develop.
Anther obtuse, continuing to enclose the pollen masses behind the stigma, but produced over it.
The pollen masses diverge to touch both sides of the pollinating insect.
She then rubs her pollen mass against the central stigmatic depression, ensuring pollination.