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Her poll standings have risen steadily in recent months as the Lewinsky matter has unfolded.
Mr. Bush's aides deny that the president's attack ads affected his poll standings or his stature.
Norris refuted this, saying he still expected to receive a nomination, and the controversy did not affect his poll standings.
He has slashed the deficit in half as a percentage of G.N.P., which explains his low poll standing - budget-cutters draw anger.
Nationwide, his poll standings once flirted with second place, but now barely register.
These poll standings are taken from the 1946 Esquire Jazz Book.
His Helsinki conference with Mikhail Gorbachev is all but certain to reinforce his poll standing.
Either way, these repetitious events produced not a tremor in the poll standings or the headlines.
Terrorists have twice jerked poll standings around.
The White House believes Mr. Bush's wide local coverage and retail politics helped produce his high poll standings, officials said.