When it comes to cyberspace, the mantra of politicians vying for the title of most e-friendly, Republicans and Democrats alike, has been "Hands off and go slow."
Spring Hill - which had only 1,500 residents when G.M. selected the hamlet after a lively competition among politicians vying for the plant - swelled to 17,000 people.
When this kind of posturing comes from politicians vying for our vote in an election year, it's harder to laugh.
A state senator trying to become the first African-American mayor of this city won his party's primary on Tuesday, setting up a general election race between two veteran politicians vying for a chance to reverse the region's long decline.
Mr. Manley is one of three politicians vying to succeed Prime Minister Jean Chrétien as leader of the ruling Liberal Party.
The officers maintain that they have been maligned by obsessive, puritanical neighbors and by politicians vying for their votes.
His decision to participate adds an interesting new element to a parade that has always been one of the premier political showcases for the city, with politicians vying for prime exposure along the parade route.
We have politicians vying with one another to propose the largest possible tax cut, but on the other side we're kind of short on details with regard to the offset in spending reductions.
With politicians vying to declare a renewed "war on drugs," there is a danger that resources will flow disproportionately into interdiction and police work to interrupt the supply of drugs.
To some Muscovites, the elevation of Easter to virtually a national holiday seemed troubling, especially the spectacle of politicians vying to be seen in church.