But more and more, legal scholars and worried politicians are objecting on principle, seeing a grave risk to a fair trial.
Pashtun politicians in both countries strenuously object to even the existence of the Durand Line border.
Local business people, gardeners, politicians and clients for the project all objected to an outsider designing the city's largest park.
Just before that, war veterans and conservative politicians objected to the critical political perspective of a Smithsonian exhibition about the bombing of Hiroshima.
At first, local politicians objected.
And while banks and thrifts protest the higher insurance premiums ahead, politicians and public interest groups object to taxpayers footing half the bill.
Some politicians still object to tolls as unfair to the poor, but the opposition seems to be dwindling.
The threat was retracted when politicians and cyclist groups objected.
All the same, important politicians objected.
Some politicians object to offering the settlers the land for only a fraction of the cost of comparable real estate nearby.