As Americans well know, politicians everywhere love to court voters with promises of tax cuts and balanced budgets.
Bottom line is that British politicians and journalists love all this "big stage" stuff, whatever the cost.
Professional politicians love reasons not to care about important stuff.
Also, the politicians all love small business, which translates into many cost advantages.
When the economy is booming all the politicians and business people love immigrants because of increased profits.
Many politicians love the image, and are willing to vote for manned space programs, not robotic ones.
From the outset the deal seemed like one of those win-win-win situations that politicians love.
Lawyers and politicians who hide behind them love to cite legal precedents.
Why do our politicians love putting together laws that just end up costing the state money in attempting to enforce it?
But occasionally politics turns into national theater, and when it does, the politicians love playing a lead role.