Next day we lunched with a young politician known as the most outspoken critic of Smith and the government.
It was a remarkable turnaround, even for a politician known for her resilience.
It was an unlikely decision from a 75-year-old politician known as a man averse to risk.
Mrs. Dole is a disciplined politician known for carefully stage-managing her every public appearance.
Domestically, Roman politics was divided between politicians known as optimates and populares.
It's been a stark, spare pitch from a politician long known for more vivid interventions.
There have been several American politicians known as Senator Hart.
But the election, and all the attention, has given new confidence, and stature, to a politician already known for trust his opinions.
Othman is now an independent politician best known for his press interviews.
Pro-construction politicians, known as the "road tribe," have been resisting the budget cuts.