Most politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike, have invoked the small-business jobs thesis at one time or another in support of preferential treatment for little businesses.
Both houses should speed the bill to President Bush as a living example of the democratic principles we so often hear politicians invoke.
She asked him what's so virtuous about the states' rights principle that this year's dominant politicians are invoking as a solution to complex problems.
Some politicians at the national level invoke the need to fight poverty and to help those living on the margins of society.
Moreover, several black politicians have invoked antiwhite rhetoric.
European politicians invoke God rarely if at all, and not many of them even pretend to be personally devout.
For much of the 20th century, American politicians invoked his name to impugn a rival's character.
During his eight-year Presidency, politicians repeatedly invoked the "culture of life."
Pressed as to what their culture is, many conservative European politicians invoke Christianity, but Muslims are an ever larger presence.
From Napoleon I onward, French politicians of all leanings have invoked her memory.