For them the Soviet Communist Party is hardly even politically marginal anymore.
Like Clinton, Schroder is a successful governor from a small, politically marginal state who has won the nomination for the highest office in the land at a time when voters are preoccupied with domestic problems.
A little known national figure until recently, Mr. Hernandez Mancha is a member of the Senate, a politically marginal body in Spain.
His district covers the Lehigh Valley region and is politically marginal, narrowly going to John Kerry with 50% of the vote in 2004.
The Green Party is little more than politically marginal in most states, despite Ralph Nader's drive to increase its strength and numbers.
As its economic power has declined, the Histadrut labor federation has become politically marginal.
In the case of ecologically marginal farms, inhabited by politically marginal farmers, maintenance research is doubly unattractive.
Mr. Gelman dismisses the nationalism as politically marginal.
It is occasionally claimed that the betrayals of the Cambridge spies were politically marginal and therefore in some way excusable as being insignificant.
Although wards date from the city's earliest days, they became politically marginal after charters in 1853 and 1857 replaced them with state legislative and City Council districts.