Neither is desirable politically, to put it mildly, but it doesn't negate the value of much of their work.
General Wallace was asked about the tension between the politically desirable goal of a quick victory in Baghdad and the military's desire to move methodically through the country.
This is noble, and in Canada socially and politically desirable, I guess, but the unpalatable truth is that the quality of the artworks varies greatly.
A 33 percent rate was not politically desirable.
It follows that there must have been some new motivation that made marriage with the Strachans politically desirable.
New buildings were politically desirable and were encouraged as symbols of West Berlin's vitality and durability.
For the Saudis and others it will be politically desirable, indeed urgent, to have them leave.
On the one side, governments often try to make unemployment seem as low as possible, because that is politically desirable.
Our desire was not to take a politically desirable scenario and pronounce it realistic, but to declare what actually is realistic.
The privatisation option - both in Europe and also in developing countries - is the politically desirable option.