Between the 5th and 8th centuries, new peoples and powerful individuals filled the political void left by Roman centralized government.
Provisional government is an emergency or interim government set up when a political void has been created by the collapse of a very large government.
The country is sinking into a political void.
This political void was quickly filled with a number of opposition parties which recognized Muslims as a separate nation.
Concern was clearly widespread today among Western officials that Iraq could find itself in a political void.
To have a truly national party to fill the existing political void in Canada.
Those who talk about a political void in the event of censure are wrong.
The day's developments reflected multiple efforts to fill the political void, to assert local authority and to prevent chaos.
But the worry also grows out of the political void created by the Sandinistas' defeat in Sunday's voting.
It gained support from local peasants by filling the political void left by the central government and providing "popular justice".