It is aimed at the political section within that community.
The authors are not identified, but are believed to work in the economic and political sections of the embassy.
The military and political sections were the most important ones in the Union.
(The author ) was formerly head of the political section in the Conservative party's research department
This deputation was composed of seventeen men, one selected from each political section, so that the body as a whole represented the entire nation.
Not aligned to any political section of the union it is growing in influence within lay activist member ranks.
As a journalist he had worked on the paper's bullfighting, sports, cultural and political sections.
These concern the political section with regard to which the Chinese authorities have expressed a number of reservations.
The political section stresses that cooperation between the two partners is to be based on the recognition of common values.
At first, an officer from the embassy's political section came out solemnly to accept the papers.