He wants to see an end to the political sectarianism that puts Kurd against Shia and Turkmen against Sunni, believing that "we have a shared history, and we have a shared destiny."
Then Hezbollah published its political program which contains liberation of Lebanese land from Zionist occupation, abolishment of political sectarianism, ensuring political and media freedom, amending in electoral law to make it more representative of the populace.
The president's move to introduce proportional representation to Lebanese elections is a step toward dismantling political sectarianism.
The 1989 Ta'if Agreement called for the eventual elimination of political sectarianism in favor of "expertise and competence;" however, little progress has been made in this regard.
He might note that his political career, like those of Disraeli and Blum, has benefited from the defeat of political sectarianism.
Although TBS avoids political and academic sectarianism, it has a broad commitment to antiracist, anti-imperialist, and anti-sexist ideas, aiming to persuade and interest its "progressive readers committed to critical inquiry and social justice."
It isn't clear what effect the congressman's latest venture into New Jersey's political sectarianism will have on his long-held ambitions for a promotion to the upper house in Washington.
Yet because of his belief in individual liberty and his hostility to political sectarianism, he remained a member of the Liberal Party.
Unfortunately, despite his status and position in China, he soon became embroiled in conflicts over U.S. Lend-Lease aid and Chinese political sectarianism.
Although the Taif Agreement identified the abolition of political sectarianism as a national priority, it provided no timeframe for doing so.