She denied that they were primarily interested in political revenge or financial gain.
And he asserted that her government's policies would be guided by economic prudence, not political revenge.
I don't care if it's political revenge.
It was asking too much: offend the UN, challenge the aliens, risk political revenge.
The drainers are supposed to keep these revelations secret; however, at least one eventually uses the information he learns for political revenge.
"This is political revenge," his wife quoted him as saying.
"But I hope that it does not turn into a campaign of political revenge against the military, because then things could get complicated."
He was subjected to political revenge and his close relatives who worked in the public sector were transferred to difficult areas.
He has vigorously defended himself, saying he is a victim of political revenge.
The big lobby went to work cajoling legislators with contributions, while threatening to take political revenge on those who resisted.