Speakers warned the state's elected officials that a vote against affirmative action would be followed by political retribution.
His arrest is widely considered a case of selective justice and political retribution for crossing the Kremlin.
The board's lawsuit asserts that the reason for all the questions is political retribution.
The danger of political retribution would be increased.
The masks also protect the identity of Klan members, who fear political retribution for their extreme views, he said.
For others it serves as protection against political or social retribution.
Mr. Ramirez hinted that there might be plans for some political retribution.
Since then, the Legislature and the executive branch have properly recognized that judges must be able to decide cases without fear of political retribution.
Many know that fast-track is the right policy but are terrified of political retribution from organized labor.
The question oil companies now face is whether they might suffer similar political retribution in their own dealings with foreign governments.