But Drake sees his story as a larger tale of political reprisal, one that he fears the government will never allow him to air fully in court.
Was it fear of political reprisals, as Logevall and Larry Berman maintain?
In an act of political reprisal, he was dismissed from his post of elementary school teacher by the municipality.
Congress just added nearly $2 billion to the intelligence budget; the C.I.A. can no longer plead poverty or fear of political reprisal.
Portugal was a neutral country and its missionaries could work relatively free from political reprisals.
Possibly an Obstacle In theory at least, Civil Service laws protect the career employees against political reprisals.
They asked that their identities be withheld for fear that they would suffer political reprisals.
Those decisions must be made according to the law, without regard to public pressure and without fear of political reprisal.
Some say they fear political reprisal.