Within a decade a comprehensive political, religious and artistic reformation began promoting a return of Egyptian life to the norms it had followed during his father's reign.
Yun was disappointed by the end of political reformation.
This could begin a political and cultural reformation of a region that has been an incubator of anti-American pestilence.
He appears to have moved to Perth in 1897, the end of an economic boom in the state, a period of political reformations and larger scale social change.
Spaniards chose (94%) to change ("Referéndum para la reforma política", literally "Referendum for political reformation").
This era was at the dawn of The Enlightenment, a time of political and social reformation.
This in turn would lead the ultimate goal of the wedge strategy; a social and political reformation of American culture.
The works of this new generation of disillusioned artists placed a much greater emphasis on political and social reformation through pacifistic means.
Yun was very disappointed by the failure of attempts at political reformation.
Hitherto no acts of popular violence had been produced by the struggle for political reformation.