The old romance between the United States and Cuba, changed by the cold war, is stirring, ahead of any political rapprochement.
The U.S. media noted the political rapprochement behind the game: Last week, the Clinton administration praised Iran's moderate president and proposed to upgrade relations.
Among the important issues, he advised on were political rapprochement with Turkey, Cyprus's accession to the EU and the Cyprus problem.
No attempts at political rapprochement between Romania and the Soviet Union have been undertaken since then.
This year, in a political rapprochement, Mr. Young has had warm words for Mr. Jackson as a "moral voice" on the political scene.
The political crises are disheartening because they have dampened investor confidence in India and Pakistan and set back their efforts to reach a political rapprochement.
There were signs of growing political and diplomatic rapprochement between the two countries despite Iran's official commitment to abide by UN sanctions against Iraq [see p. 37639].
We are far from that, listening to Romano Prodi talk about political rapprochement and gradual integration into the European Union's economic and social structures.
The European Union no longer has borders which divide people and nations and cause conflict, presenting an obstacle to trade, as well as political and cultural rapprochement.