The investigation is viewed by some as a response to moral and political quandaries facing the reunified Germany.
He predicted that the first measures would be adopted within weeks, even though the political quandary of choosing a precise plan remains unsolved.
Gov. Gray Davis of California is in a political quandary.
Rail presents a political quandary for the government because ministers are determined to reduce the £5bn a year the state puts into the network.
As a result, the party faces a delicate political quandary.
His opposition poses a political quandary for the Democrats, who control the Legislature 10 to 9.
The Administration clearly finds itself in a political quandary over how to deal with the situation in Lithuania.
The group's study highlighted the political and economic quandaries inherent in Iraq's reconstruction.
Concerts exclusively by female composers create a political quandary for their instigators.
Administration officials acknowledged last year that the decision to back off in Florida reflected the president's effort to get out of a political quandary.