As a political and spiritual parable, "The Grand Inquisitor" is ambiguous.
About half of the speakers made casual reference to Obama as a political parable or example of some sort.
It is a political parable, and a stunning movie.
Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "Heart of a Dog" is a malicious political parable on what the author envisioned as the inevitable corruption of a socialist state.
This grasping, magnetic, phenomenally poisonous character is intended as the centerpiece of a political parable.
This nostalgic look at love in divided Berlin is a sly political parable.
It is a political parable, whose effectiveness comes: 1.
The band's crunching martial arrangements and Mr. Young's cracked, wobbly yells give this spooky little political parable a charge of dramatic adrenaline.
The work never has the wit of Mr. Mrozek's earlier efforts - or the fierceness of Fernando Arrabal's political parables.
This is a political parable, not a literary one: it is the triumph of democracy over totalitarianism enacted in literary guise.