Whether their initiatives represent earnest humanitarian gestures or strategic moves in a game of political one-upmanship remains unclear.
By waiting for the right moment for political one-upmanship, they have lost sight of the need.
Both exercises constituted political one-upmanship to President Bush's demand, when he vetoed the Democrats' middle-class tax cut in March, for $7.8 billion in cuts.
In most cases, when there are no ulterior motives involving political one-upmanship, expulsions for spying are unpublicized.
The idealists said women would be less given to posturing, to political one-upmanship, to questionable campaign tactics.
As the Abrams pulled even in the contest, the bidding became a game of political one-upmanship between Washington and London.
And political one-upmanship being what it is, Mr. Gingrich - with no real fear of losing - felt he had to spend more.
The decision to offer a monthly pass rather than the 12-for-10 discount was motivated in part by political one-upmanship, officials said.
The queens were pawns in an elaborate game of political one-upmanship and social climbing that had many players and no clear goal.
Using television to whip up support for military adventures or merely for political one-upmanship is a highly problematic practice.