Fame and fortune appear to have removed the political impulse from many artists.
The political impulse to enact such laws is strong.
Can this contradictory program contain the revolutionary political impulses that have been shaking the world?
So the natural political impulse after the press conference was to take him down.
Both Bush and his father start with similar political impulses.
Started in 1977 with a strong political impulse.
Despite their superficial "toughness," these proposals point up why a mayor's political impulses must be tempered with sound judgment.
"Our role is to build consensus and generate political impulses that will inspire action by governments and international institutions."
In this way the insurgent movement lost not only its military momentum but its political impulse as well.
It would be catastrophic and disastrous if the judge on duty were to obey the political impulses of the ideals of the government in power.