But none of the innumerable television commentators was heard to chuckle over what God might make of being so handled by the political handlers.
There are still those deluded souls who discount George Bush as a slacker and a tool of his political handlers.
And so were his political handlers, who saw an opportunity for political spectacle that Mr. Bush, even after a rough week, was prepared to exploit.
Voters, and political handlers, expect them to be steady and solid, above undignified displays.
He grimaces when he speaks of the need to follow advice from political handlers.
But this is not a story of political manipulation of religious issues, in the fashion of today's political handlers.
Their talks often resemble the pitches of political handlers who are called spin masters.
Indeed, Mr. Perot publicly expresses disdain for the type of political handlers that are common in every campaign and whom he is now hiring.
Bill Clinton, George Bush and their political handlers, a month before Election Day in 1992.
Be quiet, and do as you're told by the political handlers.