Now every public moment - and some private - is potential fodder for YouTube, the brutally efficient distributor of political gaffes caught on video.
Known for his political gaffes.
Mr. Mori's one-year tenure leading the country has been marked by a series of political gaffes and scandals.
Media-obsessives anxious to keep track of the hot new joke or political gaffe.
This lack of strong loyalty made it easy for his support to fall as a series of political gaffes damaged Mecham's popularity.
This isn't a political gaffe, it's grand theft.
His comments were denounced by homeless villagers and were viewed as a significant political gaffe.
A political gaffe is an error made by a politician that is reported to the public.
A Kinsley gaffe is when a political gaffe reveals some truth that a politician didn't intend to admit.
The Kinsley gaffe is said to be a species of the genera 'political gaffe.'