Therefore, each character is representative of a political figurehead, again reiterating ideas from The Prince with the help of masks and stock figures.
Why can't the Americans be more like the French and have two political figureheads?
In the present, Kai is now a political figurehead and inaccessible from The Noh's wrath, going as far to reconnect with his father to cement his status.
Deciding to use Kaguya as a political figurehead, Kura sends Shiina to abduct her; once there, Kaguya refuses to help him.
Although a seasoned and wily guerrilla commander, this war saw him used as a political figurehead.
He was sure that it was not a permanent job, and after the proper political figurehead was found, he'd revert to Executive Assistant Director (Investigations).
It is a rare and welcome moment when our most abusive political figureheads are brought to account for their actions.
He have represented many Kurdish and Turkish political and business figureheads, most notably amongst them is Behçet Cantürk, who was also killed 1994.
The emperor today is a political figurehead and not a ruling sovereign.
Emperor Xian had been a political figurehead since 189, with no control over the actions of the various warlords controlling their respective territories.