Greece's problems are primarily political failings, both locally and across the EU.
But on this count his failings, moral as well as political, were considerable.
Heikal, by contrast, calmly explores, in often painstaking detail, the political and moral failings of key players on both sides.
But despite a penchant among the people to debate their country's political failings, Congo has precious little experience with orderly transfers of power.
Recognizing the many environmental and political failings of Western Civilization, Monica decided it was too corrupt to exist.
At the same time, he is trying to distance himself from the economic and political failings of the Aquino Government.
"The reality of our political failings have finally set in after over-complacency in the last 12 years," he said.
It was praised throughout the Arab world for its brutal candor about the Arabs' political failings.
His crime was to have written courageously about his country's political and economic failings under Fidel Castro.
Foreign friends of Israel should criticize economic, political and social failings in Israel.