The new civilian regime, which operated under the 1956 Transitional Constitution, tried to end political factionalism by establishing a coalition government.
Phips' governorship was marked by political factionalism, and his lack of connections to existing local powers hurt him.
Some credit Hu for being an effective mediator in a system increasingly affected by special interests and political factionalism.
The Provisional Government was unable to make decisive policy decisions due to political factionalism and a breakdown of state structures.
On top of all this, the church was riven by the political factionalism that marked the Romanian exile community.
Why has political factionalism in America reached fever pitch today?
This position is justified only by sheer political factionalism, which undermines and subverts what actually happened in Copenhagen.
The poem criticizes political and cultural factionalism, which Vasa considered an obstacle to national unity.
We endorse Ms. Rapfogel in the hope that she will help stabilize a district often plagued by political factionalism.
Stable rule in a country torn by political factionalism and conflict required the improvement of living standards.