The Americans started to notice and become alarmed at increasing reports of political disillusionment in the military officer corps in August.
Coupled with the economic and political disillusionment was the humiliation as Washington and the West seemed no longer to reckon with Russia in their global pursuits.
No wonder the subsequent years brought civil unrest, a drugged counterculture and political disillusionment, the movie seems to say; look to television for blame.
But membership, even in this season of deep political disillusionment, does not exceed 100,000, by the party's boastful estimate.
The composer had reached a point of political and spiritual disillusionment.
And Mr. Purdy is right in suggesting that this particular kind of attitude has its roots in television and in the political disillusionment of the 1960's.
Even with the political disillusionment that followed, the Orange Revolution was a watershed in the nation's history.
Judas' eventual betrayal of Jesus comes from political disillusionment rather than money.
I don't presume to act as a spokesman for my generation, only to sound the siren of one 24-year-old woman's utter political disillusionment.
In the words of one analyst, the vote reflected political disillusionment and an unfocused desire for change rather than a yearning for a resurrected Third Reich.