The war has been an act of incredible Soviet stupidity, a tragedy for the Afghan people and a source of growing political disaffection inside Pakistan.
It was the latter's religious and political disaffection which took most of the county over to Parliament in the Civil Wars.
But some political disaffection is obvious.
But the leaders' quandary is that they know, from history, that political disaffection is a constantly expanding force and can turn inward as well.
They became the spearhead of political disaffection which was usually manifested in, the form of strikes.
By that time, The Nation was struggling with declining readership and growing political disaffection.
McNulty's political disaffection makes for stilted conversation.
Higher prices almost certainly would cause political disaffection.
Their movement, which they call "public" or "civic" journalism, seeks a new "connection" with the community to cure it of "political disaffection."
The major beneficiaries of political disaffection were undoubtedly the Jacobites, who mounted two serious challenges to the Union in 1715 and 1745.