The administration's efforts to help Bob Jones University ended in an 8-to-1 defeat in the Supreme Court and a political debacle.
Pérez Jiménez thought he had learned from the 1952 political debacle and instead of an election he decreed a plebiscite on his government.
It also avoided the political debacle of failing to pass anything when the President had demanded action by March 20.
What is at stake now is keeping this military and political debacle from turning into a national and international catastrophe.
Together they can dishonor this country and turn military victory into political debacle.
The flyovers became the centre of political debacle to follow for the next 5 years ([1].
He has been blamed by some party leaders for what they freely admit has become a public-relations and political debacle.
A political debacle laid the groundwork for progress.
The public saw the war as political and military debacle.
On a more mundane level, it is turning into a full-fledged political debacle for the Conservative Government of Prime Minister John Major.