His suggested solution was political coercion and oppression.
But he added that he wanted the law to "retain its basic structure to protect these workers from political coercion."
It would have updated and improved on the purpose of the 1939 act - to eliminate political coercion and intimidation.
"These groups can become the new instruments of political coercion."
He must think the most vulnerable in his scheme of political coercion are too far week to challenge his attacks!
As an exercise in military and political coercion, the campaign achieved most of its aims with limited civilian casualties.
Capitalism, Gramsci suggested, maintained control not just through violence and political and economic coercion, but also through ideology.
Backers of the bill dismissed the arguments about political coercion, noting that Federal laws still prohibit such activities.
Senator John Glenn, who supports the Hatch Act overhaul, says the bill offers sufficient protection against political coercion.
"They'll avoid violence, if they can use political coercion."