The issue has made for dissimilar political bedfellows, Hollywood liberals and evangelical Christians.
And your temporary political bedfellows have just eliminated one-ninth of my only source of income.
The issue is also making for strange political bedfellows in Washington.
The spectre of the cuts has brought together a cast of strange political bedfellows in Washington.
This suit has attracted high-profile legal talent, and made for strange political bedfellows.
Though Mr. McVeigh may be going away, his political bedfellows and comrades in arms are not.
The campaign to defeat the convention referendum has created some of the oddest political bedfellows in recent memory.
On some foreign policy issues, the amendments made for strange political bedfellows.
The dairy question led to strange political bedfellows.
The legislation has divided normal political coalitions and made strange political bedfellows.