Mr. O'Neill, a godfather to many political axioms, made the famous observation that money is "the mother's milk of politics."
Mr. Cellucci and other incumbents are following one of the oldest political axioms, the golden rule: he who has the most gold, rules.
In the culture wars, you can credit Mr. DeLay for turning a major political axiom upside down.
I don't know why he is so angry, since it seems that this is a political axiom on Capitol Hill these days.
Vice President Bush's poor showing in polls of public opinion is testing a political axiom.
Perhaps it is best understood in light of the old political axiom that people vote against, not for.
She recalled the political axiom that "You have to have an enemy.
Don't mess with their cars became a political axiom in the Clinton White House.
But to borrow from a contemporary political axiom, it is not wise to underestimate George.
A political axiom of the Europe of the 1960's promised rioting in the streets if the unemployment rate ever exceeded 3 percent.