The Chilean right is now fractured among those fighting to maintain a positive image of General Pinochet and others seeing him as a political albatross.
The entire issue of resuming commuter service has been a political albatross almost from the day the trains stopped.
This fact, not the color of his skin, is the real political albatross around his neck in a country with a historical distrust of anything Haitian.
A Republican pollster warned that the projects were a political albatross.
The Shoreham plant has proved a fiscal and political albatross from the start.
Nor did the Rev. Jesse Jackson suspect in early 1984 that his association with Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader, would become such an enduring political albatross.
Now, however, Sir Richard's investigation threatens to become a political albatross.
That incident touched off a yearlong boycott of Korean stores, which became a political albatross for Mayor David N. Dinkins.
A quick vote, he wrote, would have had "the added advantage of removing this political albatross from the necks of our leadership (and our colleagues)."
But, given the scope and depth of the recession, it's also likely that any stimulus would have become a political albatross.