Ms. Winfrey did not revoke her selection but politely withdrew the invitation to appear on her show.
"All withdrew politely," she said, "and I never saw them again, with one exception, a little urt of a man who told me he shared my views, fully."
Then the priest, muttering something about wanting another look at the garden, withdrew politely to give Lancelot a chance to speak with me in private.
"Certainly," Ysaye said, and politely withdrew to the level above.
Odo nodded stiffly, starting to withdraw politely.
Pandering to primitive superstitions, Tach chided as they withdrew politely around a bend.
"American interests would be best served if the Administration politely withdrew from a conference that is shaping up as an unsanctioned festival of anti-family, anti-American sentiment," Mr. Gramm said.
I promised nothing as I politely withdrew and made my way through the visiting proletarian swarm.
In a statement, the author said she was politely withdrawing "having not understood at the time that the invitation was made, that it was anything other than that - an invitation to speak about a book of local interest."
Helva politely withdrew her vision.