His interest had grown, to the point that there was no politely ignoring it.
Even being politely ignored by those around him, he dominated his immediate area.
That at least could be politely ignored; Sunday's show demanded not just attention but participation.
Every one of them, soldier and servant, politely ignored him as he made his way to the practice ring.
After politely ignoring my behavior for a few months, my family became relentless.
An embassy was established, and everyone politely ignored the ship which took station at a safe distance, never to leave her neighborhood again.
Local diners join us at the table, politely ignoring our fancy dress.
The two sniffed noses and thereafter politely ignored each other.
There was an awkward silence as the Professor politely ignored the expletive.
Corsi looked around the restaurant and saw they were being politely ignored by the other diners.