I raised a hand self-consciously to my locks, which as usual, could be politely described as higgledy-piggledy.
That may explain why the company's proposal on Royal Mail is being politely described by some Whitehall insiders as "lowball".
He has been politely described as "eclectic", and has been known to change outfits at the halfway stage of a round of tournament golf.
It has nonstop mayhem, profanities uttered both in affection and in anger, and a sense of humor that might be politely described as excremental.
In Japan, politicians tend to be serious and experienced men in suits, with no sense of humor and personalities that can be politely described as subtle.
Closure received from Mr. Lynch what might be politely described as the back of his hand.
His face was what might be politely described as strong-featured.
Foreign policy to date can be politely described as nonexistent.
He was the original shareholder activist, back when he was less politely described as a corporate raider.
Its ecology can be politely described as a "layered deathtrap", the planet's surface being encompassed in shadow by wroshyr trees that are many miles high.